Well, Christmas is almost over. (Merry Christmas to anyone that I haven't already said that to).
I've been off on a family holiday for the festive season, and, as usual at this time of year, I won't have much free time until after the new year. I'm missing the Munquis but just don't really have the definite time to invest in playing a MMORPG for the next week or so.
Instead I'm killing my time playing Fable II (much better than I expected it to be), which I can pick up and put down in short stints. But I should be back to WoW as normal either this weekend or by early next week.
Before the Christmas period I managed to pick up my worg pet (and the spider one as a bonus), Vind also tagged along with his DK and picked them up too.
For info, LBRS is quite easily soloable with a level 80 Hunter. I brought my Cat with me, when really I should have used my Gorilla, but still didn't really have any problems. And the run for the worg pups only took 10-15 minutes. I had to clear a little more trash than was really neccesary due to Vinds lower level toon still having a little aggro, but I could almost walk past the majority of the mobs unless they were standing right in my way.
P.S. I'm assuming Brast already knows about it, but the tribe forums seem to be down. Maybe his subscription has just expired again, and there's much more important thigns to pay for at this time of year. (We really should all contribute to that cost).
New Years Resolution: Buy a MunquiWear item, or send Brast a donation to help with the costs?
How to get a good map in Civilization VII
15 hours ago
I wish it just was a payment issue. I did pay the host, 2 days later they silently went into bankruptcy deleting all data in the process and havent been heard from since.
ReplyDeleteWorking on a new site.