Sunday, 2 November 2008

Weeding the garden

Today I intended to max out my herbalism skill, with the hope of making cash for my mount quicker than I currently am.
It sort of worked, and it sort of didn't. Following several of the guides on the net, which all said exactly the same thing, it took me ages just to find herbs that were within my level range.
Unfortunately it took me most of the day to figure out that they were just wrong, and had wasted alotof time.

Top Tip: Screw always trying to gather at the top end of your skill level, find the area 1 lvl below that, and gather twice / three-times as many greens and yellows, as well as the occasional orange and not only will you make more cash from all the extra pickings, but you'l level up more often than not.

Despite my intentions, I obviously got side-tracked as usual, and ended up doing some dungeon runs with the Munquis: Bolle, Komatai, Flowerz, Zuchi and Myself cleared non-heroic Old Hillsbrad, Black Morass and Shadow Labs, just for the fun, and for the sake of getting our heroic keys for future runs.

With a full team of Munquis the Caverns of Time instances were a breeze. They used to be quite difficult, but Munqui-Power won through and we spent most of the time in the instances waiting for the next bosses to appear / do their thing. As is now usual, I topped the dmg meter most of the time.. although Bolle out did me in the Shadow Labs. Kudos to him, tanking as a retadin.

But in Shadow Labs, things didn't go as smoothly. Firstly, flowerz had to leave, so we picked up a PUG healer 'DPSadin' (maybe the name was a bad sign). He seemed to be trying his best, but he just couldnt keep up with our speed of attacks.
With Flowerz we were literally jumping from one mob to the next with no breaks in combat, only 1 or 2 deaths overall, and those due to slight overaggro or a mis-timed shot. Speed was king in CoT, and we absolutely owned the place.
For anyone familiar with Black Morass, it's normal practice to clear the trash first, so Bolle dove in, aggro'd the entire instance (apart from medihv) and brought them back to us.
The dmg meter went wild, and after a couple of volleys from me, and a couple of consecrations from Bolle I'd done 5000DPS and he'd done 3500DPS (yeah 5k and 3k). True, it was only on trash, but it looked cool. :)

Secondly, in Shadow Labs, I screwed up twice... once mis-understanding an instruction and aggroing a boss early, and second time was a nooby mistake of my pet aggroing the boss un-intentionally.. apologies guys.
But apart from thos snags we still cleared the place no problem.

Handily, one of the mobs also dropped a blue helm that matches my Epic set, and has decent stats, so even though WotLK is only 11 days away, it's still nice to have.

Tomorrows mission: Try not to play WoW.