The other guildies were all busy yesterday, when I logged on.
So I played with my spec for a bit. And re-tuned my glyphs and macros to match.
Looks like I'm on to a winner with my new build design. (See previosu post).
But any nerfs or changes to the global cooldowns could throw the whole thing out of whack.
Anyway, for a bit of field testing I decided to try a PUG.
Yes, you read that right, a Pick Up Group. Anyone who knows me, has a fair idea that I have a very low opinion of PUG's.
Generally I consider it a better idea to do guild runs, and PUG empty spaces if needed. That way, there's usually only 1 slacker to deal with, and sometimes you can be pleasantly suprised with how good they are. A few of the Munquis themselves were picked up in that way.
So Violet Hold is the daily... great... nice and quick, and a possible chance for my staff too.
Luckily enough, I tend to get picked up quite quickly in the PUGs if I post my Attack Power in the Comments... Funny that.
A Pally, a Warrior, a DK, and a Mage. Excellent, no Druid competition for my staff either.
But that's where the good news ended. The Tank was slow in picking up adds, so they were running around all over the place. Meaning I had to use my pet to off-tank when they charged the healer / mage.
And the Mage had a tendancy to let loose before the tank had even started to tickle them, which made the bad tanking even worse.
The DK was also quite low on the DPS meter, so although he/she wasn't doing anything wrong, we were struggling to clear the mobs before the next portal appeared.
Somehow, we managed to reach the final boss but only with 4 men. The DK had died almost 4 portals ago, but there had been no time to rez him, and he obviously felt it was too much like hard work to just run back in.
So the healer got ALOT of greif and was ordered to rez him when Cyagnosia had already spawned. Dumb Shits.
The healer did as ordered, and the group wiped within about 10 seconds. Amazing!
That not being bad enough, the other 3 imediately started to flame the healer as a "Nuub", and not politely.
I gave them some stick back, and told them to STFU, if they thought they would have got as far without him they were wrong. His healing was more than good enough, considering the lack of control on the adds.
Unsuprisingly, the healer quit the group. At which point, I quit too... Badges or no badges, Staff or No Staff, I'd rather live without them, than spend any more time with dicks like that.
I whispered the Healer to try and re-assure him that his healing had been fine, but got no response.
In fact, the healer hadn't said a single word throughout the entire run, other than a "rdy" at the very start.
It's for all the reasons above that I seriously despise PUG's. That healer was a Pally, and good at his job. But with dick-heads like that greifing healers everytime things go wrong it's no suprise that most people don't like to play healers. And the next time I see that Pally, he'll probably be waving a shield and spamming consecration.
50% of Americans are fascists
1 day ago