After a week and a bit away from the game (apart from the occasional call-in to see what's happening) things should go back to normal from tonight.
My k*tch*n (it's a dirty word in my mind right now) isn't quite finished, but it's near enough for me to take a night off. So this evening I intend to put my new survival spec to a proper test, either in a raid, or in some heroics.
My DPS isn't seeing the major improvements that it used to, but I suppose that's just to be expected. I got most of the best possible gear quite quickly after reaching the level cap, so any upgrades for me are relatively minor for me. While others who always lagged a littl ebehind in the DPS stakes are seeing much bigger improvements as their gear progresses.
Once I start raiding Ulduar I'm sure I'll see the figures start to move again.
On a side note: The Munquis attacked Undercity and got Lady Sylvanas down to 5% the other night. I missed it unfortunately. But apparently it was alot of fun, and I'm glad to see those sorts of events happening again. They can be much more fun than the average raid / heroic / quest. Ad the randomness keeps things intersting.
50% of Americans are fascists
1 day ago