Since hitting level 80 with my Pally, I've been battling to earn enough cash to pick up epics for him.
It seems that these days you're expected to be an uber player from the minute you hit level 80, or you get frowned on even in heroics.
With my Hunter, I had every rep and quest item to the best possible spec before entering a single heroic. What it meant was my DPS was massively higher than everyone elses on every occasion.
Now, months later, my Hunter has had an almost full gear upgrade (mising a few trinkets and rings, simply because I havent come across one better than my blues). And the resut is that his DPS has improved, but everyone elses has improved more. He can still hold his own in a fight where he can stand still and unleash the fury, or AOE the shit out of millions of mobs, but in tactical fights his DPS is a little under par.
Anyway, back to my Pally. I now have epic shield, boots, legs, helm and weapon.
The shield was courtesy of Grenth and his BOE Blacksmithing, as were the boots, my helm is the sob story. I paid out around 500-600g in mats and enchants for another BoE from Grenth, only for a better one to drop first go in Heroic ToC... Bastard. Thats a few days work that I'll never see again.
But it seems it was my night for drops. I also got my Legs, and my Weapon too.
So 3 epics in a day, and my HP has now jumped from 22k (SelfBuffed) to just under 29k. Maybe now people will stop sneering at me when I say I'm the tank.
So after spending a couple of hours questing (and building hodir rep) I'd saved up another 300g, and spent most of it on the AH re-enchanting, and buying gems etc..
I think I still need a bit more practice with my Tanking. I'm getting the hang of it. But I'm still struggling a little bit with multi-mobs. Saying that, overaggro has been a problem from some players. I know that in a raid situation, with a fully geared tank, it's almost impossible to pull the aggro. But with a fresh tank, with nothing but blues, you need to be more careful. Particularly if your fully epic'd yourself. When did Omen stop being an essential requirement at end game?
Anyway, that's enough moaning for now. Things are actually going well with the Paladin. He's already over the Defence cap, I'm already exchanging +Def for +Stam wherever possible, and it won't be too long before he's got a good set of gear and will be able to help out in raids.
50% of Americans are fascists
1 day ago