In the world of raiding, there seems to be a big distinction made between 'HardCore' and 'Social' raiding.
Those who conisder themselves social look at the hardcore raiders, and scoff. They think they waste their lives playing the game wrong. But secretly, the social (or casual) raiders wish they could be as good, and also wish they could have the gear that the hardcore have. They like to think that they have the same skills as the hardcore, but are just nicer people.
Those who consider themselves harcore raiders, lok at the social raiders and scoff. They think that the socials are just not as good as them. And if they weren't so lazy, they could have epic-epix too. But secretly, the hardcore don't want the socials to improve. They prefer the socials to stay at the lower levels of raiding, because that makes the hardocre feel superior. It gives them a justification for investing the time and effort they have, and makes them feel like they are more skilled than the socials.
So where do the Munquis fit in on this scale?
Well, we're a 'social' guild, but 'social' is a subjective word. What I like to do to 'socialize' is not neccesarily the same as everyone else.
All the 'social' means to us is that we're willing to give anyone a try. It doesn't mean that we'll like them, or put up with crap, or drag their lazy asses through dungeons or raids just because we proudly like to call ourselves 'social'.
The tribe is a pretty big guild. So we've got the advantages (and disadvantages of that). If we want to run any 10 man raid, these days, we can almost garauntee enough players of the required class to set it up. If we organise it in advance.
If we don't organise it in advance, we still have a good chance becuase we'll usually have enough members online to give it a go, and have freinds, and other guilds, that we can call on to fill any vacancies.
In TBC, most Munquis didn't make it past Karazahn. In fact, most Munquis didn't even make it 'into' Karazahn. But that didn't stop us reaching the point where, effectively, we had 2 teams that could farm it.
And eventually progress in to other raids was made.
In WotLK we conquered Naxx fairly quickly. We were only just behind some of the hardcore raiding guilds. And we then moved on to Malygos, and now on to Ulduar.
Although I haven't been, I know that Ulduar is still in the learning stages of being conquered by us. Its not on farm yet. But it won't be long, and then it'll be on to ToC.
Now, the 'average' hardcore raider is just mastering ToC at this point so, again, the Munquis aren't far behind. But the average 'Social' hasn't even set foot in Ulduar, never mind made any progress.
So to go back to the original question: Where do the Munquis fit in on this scale?
Let's take something everyone knows about, as an example: PORN
Don't deny it, you're sat at a computer or digital device right now, and you all know what porn is.
But there's different types of porn, and I don't mean the stuff with Dwarves and Donkeys, and that sort of filth. I mean different ratings.
There's the HardCore Porn. With no holds barred visuals, and usually very bad scripts. but it's effective, and does the job. This is what people usually think of when they think of 'Porn'.
There's also the BBC edited version of sex scenes in mainstream films. It's not really Porn, it's just a little bit of nudity, and usually part of a fantastically scripted story. But it's still too much for some people.
This is what your granny thinks of when you mention 'Porn'. (At least you hope so... although why you and your granny would be discussing porn is another issue).
But in between those two there's the, lesser known, SoftCore Porn. It's not as popular as it used to be. There might be lots of full frontal nudity, but there's also alot left to the imagination. It doesn't leave you in any doubt that it actually is Porn, but it's not as in your face as the HardCore stuff.
Usually the scripts are somewhere between the 2 other versions, with longer storylines, and occasionally 5, or more, minutes where people remain fully dressed.
Now stop thinking about naked ladies (or gents) and lets get back to the main issue:
We're ahead of the average social, and behind the average hardcore. So I'd go with 'SoftCore Raiders'.
We're good at what we do, our experienced members all have the potential to do well in raids, we just don't push as hard as the 'HardCore' do, because that's not what we're about. When we suceed, we do it together, and when we fail, we fail as a team, and try again next time.
We're not in your face, full frontal, 'Raiders'. But we're not pre-watershed, don't let the kids see, 'Socials' either.
So it just goes to show that it is possible to balance 'Social' and 'Raider' at the same time.
You ask any man / woman who's been in the army if they felt closer to their comrades than to any other freind they've ever had. I bet you most would say 'yes'. And for the whole of their time in the military they were being ordered about, forced to do crappy jobs, and putting their lives at risk.
There are always going to be people who disagree. Those for whom the focus, control, patience and effort required to raid are 'not fun'.
But, if you're one of those people, this isn't the army, no one has a gun to your head, so why raid?
For me, I enjoy being 'SoftCore' and I'm proud of it.
50% of Americans are fascists
1 day ago