That is the question, but what is the answer?
I've spent all this time waiting expectantly for WotLK to arrive, and looking forward to playing in all of the new zones, and facing new challenges, that I've, honestly, alomst completely overlooked the new DeathKnight class.
Every time someone has asked me if I'm going to roll a DK, I said "Yes, but only to reserve the name I want as soon as possible". But having just looked at the new talent trees for them, I'm atually very intrigued. And now more confused.
My level 70 Pally is going to be a tank from now on rather than a healer, but with an offspec of healer - if the dual-spec'ing thing is true.
As a healer it's more a game of watching the Health bars, and clicking them at the right time, while missing the action in most fights. As a tank it's more interesting, but still just a case of watching for the cooldowns and pressing the right buttons as soon as they light up.
My level 70 Hunter is a DPS-Machine, all the way, and I don't see him ever becoming anything but.
Playing my Hunter is now mostly a case of Point->Click->Spam ScrollWheelDown->Win, with the occasional Spamming of the 'T' key for those longer fights or boss encounters, and the casting of 'Serpent Sting' if the mood takes me.
So I was considering rolling a Druid, just for something a little different, just to add a bit more variety in my play style.
But I really like the look of the new DeathKnight, particularly the 'UnHoly' tree (although the 'Blood' tree looks good too).
Unholy looks alot like a Warlock build, but one who can wade in and dish the melee DPS alongside a summoned creature.
I can completely see myself wandering around the world spreading chaos and disease, and raising the dead... albeit in a very benign 'Alliance-Freindly' non-evil, and of course Munqui'ish sort of way.
The only downside of doing that, of course, is that I'd have to start at level 55, meaning that I'd be wading through Outland again before I get to explore Northrend.
Hmm, too many choices... Damn you Blizzard!!!
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