My goals are being reached, my character is getting much more uber, my style of play is finally being perfected, it can only mean one thing... The Lich King is coming, and soon.
I've managed to get my Herbalism skill up to 375, which was much easier than i thought, once I stopped trying to follow these so called 'guides' from the net. In the end, it only took me about 4.5 hours to get from 203 to 375 skill, and my bank balance is now reaping the rewards.
I'm up to 4500g, and with more than 300g worth of items on the AH, it shouldn't be long before I'm soaring through the skies on an epic gryphon, at lightning speed.
Or will it?
My problem can be summued up in one word - WotLK
Ok, technically, that's 5 words, but you get the point.
Since I won't be able to fly in Northrend until level 77, buying an epic flyer now, seems like a waste. By the time I reach 77 I'd probably have earned a fortune anyway.
As far as I know, there's no speed boost from learning Epic riding, for ground mounts, which is a big shame. If there was, I'd have no problems handing over my hard earned gold, to be able to get around much quicker.
I'm babbling really... I'll amost definitely be buying an epic flyer, regardless of whether I end up using it or not.
50% of Americans are fascists
1 day ago