Well... in a word... 'No'.
... But it definitely hasn't been the best start to the week.
The Munquis went to take on Ulduar again last night. I was drafted in as the second Tank due to a non-attendance by someone who had actually bothered to sign up.
It's an extension of the last raid, so we begin with Thorim.
Before we even begin, I stand too close to tunnel entrance and aggro the trash.... Wipe.
And a decent amount of stick from the others for achieveing a wipe before everyone was even inside the raid. Not a good start.
I'm quite familiar with this fight now, although I've only downed him once, and that was on my Hunter. So feeling confident, Vind puts me in charge of the Arena, while he takes the tunnel. It makes more sense, since his tank-DPS is imba compared to mine. 10-15 Seconds in, my main healer dies.... Wipe
OK, maybe we're just getting warmed up... Let's try this again.... Wipe.
Right... Well maybe if we switched hea.... Wipe
"We need more DPS in the Arena"... "We haven't got any more DPS... Make do"... Wipe.
Ok one more go... Wipe.
Last Try... We've lost a healer, we've lost another, we've lost DPS... ... ... ... ... Success.
Right, thank fuck for that. Lets hand out this useless set of epics and move on to Mimiron.
Mimiron Trash... Wipe (Semi Saved by A Divine Intervention from myself on to Vind, but still a wipe).
Same Mimiron Trash... Wipe
Same Mimiron Trash... Sucess... Moving on to Second Trash set... Wipe.
3rd Trash set... Miracle... We didn't die... Success.
Vind then spends 10 minutes explaining the Mimiron encounter. Everyones mind starts to wander after Phase 3. Ready-Check.... Everyones ready (Yeah Right)... Wipe.
2nd Try... Wipe
3rd Try... Wipe
Hmmm, one last go..... Amazing!...... Wipe.
So after giving up on mimiron, we return to the Iron Council, which we'd skipped the previous week. Again, I'm feeling confident. I've been here before, and found it pretty straightforward...
I'm tanking Steelbreaker... He goes down... I switch to the next boss... I go down... Vind grabs the boss, I get battle-rezzed... Quick buff-up, and I pull the boss back... We can still do this... Wipe.
Let's try that again, and this time, make sure you keep Smyth alive... We all rezzed-up, buffed-up, and all set to go.
And... Suprisingly..... Didn't Wipe....
... ... Until the final boss was at 2% and there was only Vind left standing.
OK, that's enough. We called it a night. Dusted off our wallets to pay for yet more repair bills (Think my final total was close to 250g) and went away licking our wounds with our measely 1 emblem of conquest, and a few shitty epics.
Vind was swearing (we must really be a bad influence on him). Vedd was swearing (In English, and probably then repeating it in Italian so that his room mates could understand). Grenth was summoned mid-raid to provide us with more fish-feasts because we'd run out.
Let's just put it this way... It wasn't much fun. (I wouldn't say 'No fun' we still had a laugh, but it was more a quiet chuckle than a ROFLcopter).
Hopefully we won't have many more nights like this, they're bad for morale. Not to mention the bank balance. My Pally now has only 70g in his pocket.
On the bright side I took the opportunity to level my cooking with the festive dailies... So I'll probably max it for the cost of just a few gold, and maybe make enough money to be able to raid again on Thursday.
50% of Americans are fascists
1 day ago