I didn't raid last Thursday. Neither did any of the other Munquis, I'm told.
At least, they didn't do the scheduled Ulduar run. Apparently there weren't enough people around to take on the challenge. It's a shame, but the raid extension still applies to tonight, so if there's a spot for me, maybe I'll finally get to defeat Thorim anyway.
It's dissapointing when raids get cancelled. Obviously real-life takes priority, but it just shows how much guild rely on a main core of players. And if those players aren't around, then things don't happen. I know I wasn;t the only one who knew in advance that they probably weren't going to be able to make it.
I'm sure there would have been more than 10 Munquis online. There's usually more than that online at all times apart from early mornings, or very early mornings. But there weren't enough suitably geared / willing players to make an attempt.
As it gets nearer to Christmas people tend to wind-down their playing commitments a bit. Pick-up-and-play type games tend to get dusted-off. Personally I've been re-enjoying Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, in small doses.
I can't wait to get back in to WarCrack again, but on some occasions, when I've logged on recently I've found myself tapping my foot, and wondering what to do with my time.
I could grind Rep. but I've only really got any use for the Hodir, and that's coming along nicely already. (Not too keen on the Hodir Dailies, but getting there slowly).
I could run Heroics, but there also seems to be less interest in those too. I see HC's as a way to make money. A decent team can easily make money from doing them, and while it may not make as much as grinding dailies, at least it's team-play, social, and good for learning your class properly.
I could learn cooking, but to be honest, I'd rarely ever use it. In raids others always have fish-feasts anyway. My cooking is maxed on my Hunter, so I can make them. It just seems a bit of a waste of money to learn it twice.
I could max my Engineering, but that was never the point in taking the prof. It serves me well at it's current level. I can AH in Dalaran, and can make repair-bots if I can ever be bothered to. I don't intend to spend the money on a chopper, and the bonuses from maxing the profession don't really tally with the costs in my opinion.
I could earn some cash and buy Epic Flying. But why? I can fly around already. And my aura gives me a boost too. My Hunter has the epic skill, and I resented spending the gold on it to be honest.
The moment I bought it, I thought.... "Wow! Don't I look the dogs-bollocks!"... and then never noticed it again.
But Ho-Hum, I guess I'll turn up for the raid tonight, and hopefully there will be a full team. And if I'm in it, hopefully we'll kick Thorims ass, I think the score is 9-0 to him as it stands.
50% of Americans are fascists
1 day ago