I ended up in Ulduar again last night. I logged on with my Paladin (who is also now the GM) and offered my services as a Tank / Healer if they were short.
They weren't short of either, but the guild seems to be back in the fix of lacking ranged DPS. So I was ordered to dust off my Hunter for the the benefit of the others.
I was a little unsure if he was geared enough to be honest. Experience counts for a lot, and with it, you can pull off things that gear can only compensate so much for.
My experiences of Ulduar have been very minimal, but since I was the only other one around, what difference did it make?
It didn't go as badly as I expected. My hunter managed to keep up an average of 2k DPS, and usually more like 2.5k, so I was at least keeping up appearances.
But the problem with being Survival spec'd is that you perform best when you can just stand-still and nuke the targets, which isn't a popular method for Raid Bosses these days. So without all the running around, I could probably have done much better.
Leviathan, Xt-002, Agromer, Auriaya, and Hodir were downed. With only a few wipes, so it went pretty well overall. And on Hodir a T8 emblem dropped for my Hunter and I won the roll. Sweet.
But after getting to the vendor I debated a little about spending it, My Hunter isn't my main, so isn't likely to get very much use out of the gear. and the stats were only marginally better anyway. So weren't going to suddenly make my hunter an uber-DPS again.
I whispered Flow, who'd come second in the roll, and asked him if he wanted the token. He faffed a little to make it seem like he was really thinking hard about it, but before long he realised he was being a muppet and agreed to take it.
It made alot more sense for the progress of the raid team, and the guild, for him to have it rather than me. So that's my good-deed for the week done.
It was a shame I couldn't have gone on my Pally again, there were a couple of exellent plate drops for the tanks, but both of ours are already geared up, so the drops pretty much went to waste.
In fact, alot of the gear dropped was marked for DE'ing, which just shows how easy it is to get epics these days.
Oh well, back to heroics for my Pally, 10 more emblems and he can pick up his new pants. Then it's all up systems go for the full healing set and that's almost ready just through random drops.
Due to all the Heroics I've done with him, he's revered with most of the major factions too, so I don't have to worry about grinding for the vendor enchants.
50% of Americans are fascists
1 day ago