One thing I forgot to mention in my previous post (Vinds Comment does mention it though) about phasing is the, unfortunate, comedy value of the effect too.
A knock on effect of this same mechanic, is that you can't neccesarily see the same mobs / players that others (even in your team) can.
While in a Munqui group a few days ago, doing the "WANTED" elite quests in Dragonblight, one of our team was a step behind in the quest chains than the rest of us, but offered to help out anyway.
He could see the same elites that we could, but he could also see some other mobs that we had already completed the quest to rid the world of.
This meant that when we rode through a 'clear' area to reach the next boss, he was actually riding through the centre of a big group of undead. Which obviously started attacking him. To us it just appeared as if he was fighting thin-air. Besides a bit of healing, we couldn't help out, because we couldn't even see the mobs.
This seems to be an unfortunate, although sometimes funny, side effect of the phasing system.
But at the end of the day I still give the new effect a MASSIVE thumbs up.
50% of Americans are fascists
1 day ago