Does anyone else, like me, think that WoW could do with a little more randomness?
I'm talking about events that happen, that not neccesarily affect the whole server, but add a bit of variety in to the game.
Remeber when the Portal was opening for TBC, and a demon attacked IF, or pre- WotLK when zombies started appearing everywhere, and necropolis's (necropoli?) appeared in the zones. And that sort of thing.
Having tried hosting my own server, despite the intial problem of getting it up and running, once it was it was simple to make a dragon appear outside SW. Or to make Hogger 200 feet tall, and give him 10 million HP. It was Point -> Click -> Type -> Done.
I think totally random events liek this would keep things much more interesting. Blizz could just let one of the devs loose for a day or two each week, and give them the freedom to do whatever they wanted.
They're a Hordie Scum-Lover? Fine, send something to attack one of the Alliance Capital cities. The allies wont mind, it keeps things interesting. And if they put it near Westfall the hordies would probably attack it too.
What about an army of 100's of... any sort of mob really, just appearing out of thin air to terrorize a neighbourhood.
There wouldn't even have to be any reward for joining in on things like this. The randomness is what makes it fun. And what happens one day, may never happen again, so people will want to be involved just so they can say "I was there when...." or "Did you see that 500 foot tall Murloc that ran through STV?? It took 50 players to bring him down."
The lowbies can always get out of the way, if the challenge is too much for them. There's plenty of starting zones, and each event might only last 5-10 minutes, or maybe for an hour.
How about if a GM decided it would be fun to drop Prince Malchezzar into the middle of a WSG match. And suddenly both sides had to work together to get rid of him, or lose the match, what would they do?
My head is full of ideas along this line. The possibilities are endless, and the application is simple. 10 minutes later, it's as if nothing had ever happened. But it did. And people will remember it.
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1 day ago