I recently decided to roll a new toon. A Druid.
I've always fancied the class, but never gotten round to actually making one.
The theory of being all the classes rolled into one seems appealing, mainly because it gives flexibility to the guild.
Spec'ing Feral would allow me to focus on DPS, but also provide Tanking for guild runs if needed, by using the same talents, but maybe a change of gear.
And when Dual-Spec finally arrives, I'd be a potential DPS / TANK with the bonus Healer option thrown in.
Druids are the only class that can do this. Pallies are excellent. And I still love them, although I resent the fact that I rolled a dwarf. I don't know why, but that seriously irritates me, and puts me off playing it.
But even With Dual-Spec a Pally can only do 2/3 things, because the talent trees are totally seperate. Ret = DPS, Prot = TANK, Holy = Healer.
Only problem is, it means levelling an entirely new toon from 1-80 and I don't know if I have the patience for it.
My Hunter can't really get any more upgrades from the Emblems of Heroism, but has quite a few spare, and will be getting plenty more from Naxx soon.
With just another 19 of them, I can buy a set of the Heirloom shoulders to give +10% XP, then maybe I'll send them to my Pally, and try and power level him to 80.
Only problem there is, If I buy the Plate ones, they'll only be useable by Pallies and Warriors.
I suppose 40 emblems isn't really too hard to get though, if I wanted another set.
Concerning my Druid... I love the theory, but will it pan-out in practice. I don't know.
Knowing me, I'll proabably get the shoulders, and maybe a weapon, and send them down to my Pally to boost him through to 80.
I can live with ONLY being a Tank and a Healer. If DPS is required, that's what my Hunter is the expert at.
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1 day ago