A distinct lack of blogs from me recently, but with good reason or two.
My office firewall has decided that blogs are corrupting all the government workers.
I didn't realise the UK just became part of China, but apparently we are, so my blogs will be more limited for now, until I find a good way around it.
I can already blog by email, but the formatting is a mess when I do, so I'd rather not go down that route.
The other reason is that I've been too busy. I'm levelling up a new Paladin, as some of you may have noticed.
I'm not trying to power-grind him or anything, it's just working out nicely.
And with 1 Day 20 Hours currently '/Played' he is now level 40. 15 more levels and he'll be grinding Hell-Boars in Outland.
I started him as Ret, then switched to prot as soon as it was convenient. Ret was great, solo mobs stood no chance but it wasn't the fastest way to play, and I always missed tankign on my previous Pally.
The fire festival buffs of +10% xp, plus my heirloom shoulders have obviously helped. But these days I can pretty much send Smythadin into a group of 6-8 mobs a few levels above him and, as long as there's no casters, there'll be a pile of bodies a few seconds later. No wonder its going so fast.
The odd boost or designer gear run from freinds has helped too. Boosted through DM, Boosted through Stockades, and a half run of SM to pick up a shield that will last me for several levels to come. Uldaman, Gnomeregan etc... are way too much hassle to be honest. They're far too long to ask someone wasting the time to boost me, and the number of quests there are fairly minimal.
If I had a nice big lump of quests all at once, like you can pick up for DM and Stocks, it would be more worthwhile... Something for blizz to think about maybe.
The next instance I do will probably be Zul'Farak. But maybe not even then.
None of the outland instances are really essential to levelling either. So it's likely that I'll bypass them altogether. I'll stomp through Outland, or maybe fly through it if the patch comes out in time. And then onto Northrend where I'll start in the Borean Tundra for a change. I haven't done a single quest there yet, on any toon.
50% of Americans are fascists
1 day ago