I did something unusual yesterday.
I invited a known asshole back into the guild. This guy had been kicked a while ago, for flaming other guildies... what the f*ck was I thinking?
Maybe it was exhaustion from running 6 Heroics in one night. Or maybe it was boredom from jumping at an instance portal for 10 minutes straight to try and get in. But by chance... while jumping at that bloody instance portal, our group happened to come across the asshole in question.
He was a freind of a well respected guildy, and I'd never heard of him before. Apparently he wasn't in the guild very long last time, so maybe I just missed him. I was quickly told who he was, and what had happened last time. But I got talking to him anyway, and he seemed to admit everything that he'd done wrong. And felt he had changed, or at least that he could be different from now on.
I like that in people... Honesty. You can be the biggest jerk in the world but if you're open and honest about it all then people might not be your best freind, but they usually get used to you.
After re-reading that last sentence, maybe it's because he reminded me of myself?
The question is... Have I done the right thing? Can an arsehole really reform? Or is a d*ckhead a d*ckhead forever?
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1 day ago