I've just read that there's not going to be any AH in Dalaran... Why not?
Since TBC, the whole Alliance vs Horde thing is a sort of side issue. We've all got bigger fish to fry.
Now we already have cross-faction Auction Houses courtesy of the Goblins. So why wouldn't those coniving little buggers get in on the action in Dalaran?
Surely, having a cross-faction AH in Dalaran would be ideal. It would open up the markets for all the lovely new Northrend drops, and would fit in fine with the neutral 'Sanctuary' theme of Dalaran.
Surely it would make more sense from Blizz's point of view too?
At the moment, they run at least 3 AH's per realm, and I'm not saying that takes up alot of server power, but why not just hand them all over to the goblins, and merge them into 1 cross-faction AH instead.
I'm sure that if the goblin AH's were located in capital cities, instead of the middle of nowhere, they'd get alot more use.
Anyone with sense wants to advertise their items to as many people as possible, so they'd always choose the cross-faction AH if it was just as conveniently located.
Alternatively, just give all the current AH's the option to also post to a Cross-Faction AH for an extra 'Goblin Tax' (maybe about 10% increase in deposit costs).
But put one in Dalaran, for gods sake.
50% of Americans are fascists
2 days ago
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