Just to prove that 'End-Game' content isn't the only place to have fun in WoW, the Munquis held an unplanned level 1 race last night.
15 Munquis rolled a new level 1 toon, met at the gates of IF, and ran cross-country to try and reach SouthShore. While wearing nothing but the, newly coloured, guild tabard.
After a few minor niggles explaining what the hell we were talking about. (Some of the guildies had never heard of our previous races). The race was on.
As is usual in these races, being first is not always best. Early leads from some of the runners soon put them behind when they got their faces chewed off by the bears, spiders and wolves that wander near the pathways. Which gave the others a chance to catch up.
A bit of tactical dying, to leap-frog to a new Graveyard was employed, but was well-within the rules of the game.
Most of the runners seemed to find the hardest part in getting from the Arathi GY, through the wall to Hillsbrad.
The dino's in that area were eating players so fast that they'd definitely need a few indigestion tablets later. But people did manage to break through. And first place was finally taken by Grenth, closely... and I do mean 'CLOSELY' followed by Biafra, with Knicks taking 3rd place.
Nofrett looked a sure-fire winner for the majority of the race, with a huge lead, but it just goes to show that anything can change.
Prizes of 150, 75 and 35g were awarded. Those, who wanted, then carried on through to SFK for a 2nd stage. Won by Creepa, who was awarded another 35g.
The original intention was to try and reach Lordaeron (above Undercity) but it was obviously not likely to happen. So SFK was a last minute diversion.
Gratz to all involved, it was alot of fun watching you all get eaten.
Who needs heroics / raiding to have a good time!
Keep your eyes peeled for the return of the "Royal Rumble" event soon.
50% of Americans are fascists
2 days ago
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