2 posts in a week about PvP, from a non-PvP player like me... I must be feeling particularly agressive at the moment.
As my post yesterday shows, I'm not at all against PvP content. I'm just not into the ranked matches etc... In my opinion, a good first person shooter shows off my leet skills much better than a turn-based combat system. And there's very little tactical challenge when you need to be within a certain range of any target, to do anything lethal.
Yep... you guessed it... I usually play a sniper in FPS games. And usually a pretty good one at that, patience and planning is my area of expertise.
But I digress.
I think more should be done to encourage World-PvP. Outside the confines of arenas, and battlegrounds. Let things take place in the real-world where random factors can come into play, and the tide of a battle can really be turned by calling in re-inforcements from an ally.
Who else remembers the undercity raid that never was? Or the times when capital cities have been under siege by NPC's? Those are fun times.
I've no idea if anyone from Blizz reads this blog. And they probably don't. But funnily enough they seemed to go along with almost every suggestion I made about the next expansion. So there's no harm in trying again.
I suggest World-PvP. I don't mean forcing everyone to join in if they don't want to. That's what PvP servers are for. But I think there should be more encouragement for kicking off fights with the opposing factions.
How about a daily / weekly quest to kill all the leaders of the opposing faction? Complete it all within the week, and you gain a decent stash of gold, maybe like 1k gold.
I know there's an achievement similar to this. But some of us prefer to spend our time doing more useful things.
If the reward for killing all the leaders was 5k, and could be repeated weekly, how many people do you think would farm that quest? There would be alot more confrontation, as capital cities were constantly raided, and leaders slain.
At the moment. If you complete this feat you get... jack shit. Maybe you get a title... I'm not sure.. and who cares. But what if by completing the quest, not only did you get your 1k. But for the rest of the week all your faction also got a buff, or a bonus?
Maybe access to an extra dungeon, like in Wintergrasp. Or to a Buff that simply provides a 10% Rep gain boost?
Here's how I'd see it working:
All faction leaders have a decent amount of difficulty - Say something equivalent to a raid boss.
If a team defeats a leader, then the leader is captured, and imprisoned in the throne room of an opposing faction.
While their leader is imprisoned, that faction has a small debuff applied. (Along the lines of -5% gold from vendors).
Those leaders can be freed by the Hordies defeating the leader holding them captive. This then returns that leader to their throne room, and imprisons our leader.
If all leaders are captured at the same time, then the conquering faction recieves the a buff for the rest of the week. (10% rep, or extra gold or whatever).
This could help promote a constant battle between the two sides, without affecting the overall lore of the game. No leaders are killed in the making of this lore, and no one has to take part iof they don't want to.
And keep in mind that by Cataclysm, there'll be 6 leaders for each side, that's a big mission for someone to take on. So maybe the rewards need to be higher.
I wouldn't suggest any DPS style buffs / debuffs as a reward though, as that could take alot of balancing.
The one big downside I can see to this is framerates. Some of the capital cities already struggle just to deal with the number of people they hold. Start an all out war inside them, and watch the servers meltdown.
50% of Americans are fascists
2 days ago
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