Yes Rummy, I stole that word (LootFu) from you, I'd never heard it before, but like the sound of it, and can see it becoming a regular phrase for me.
But back to the point. After my whinge about the servers not coming back up, I decided to check, just once more. And, amazingly, the realm was up and running. By this point it was 1:20am (GMT)though and having to get up for work at 6am I was torn between a desire to play, and a desire not to feel like one of the Lich Kings advanced attack party tomorrow.
But thinking that gave me an idea... The server had only just come back up, which meant that there was only handful of people online, if I ran to one of the, Argent Dawn event, attack points I could have a quick look for any rares that have spawned, and maybe pick myself up another welfare epic for 5 minutes work. And still be tucked up in bed quickly. Win - Win.
So off I head to Blasted Lands, on the way chatting to a couple of guildies, and letting them know my plans. Komatai, in particular, likes the sound of the idea and asks to tag along.
I arrive and, I'm right, the place is deserted, there isn't another player in sight, and all the crystals and swarms of mobs are standing there just waiting to be slaughtered. I check out all the zones looking for any unusual looking ones, and eventually decide I might have to kill a few of the regular ones before the rares spawn. Guessing that they're on a random % every time one of the mobs spawns in that area.
Komatai turns up, and luckily enough he's a Pally so not interested in my Mail pants. Fingers crossed, we start laying heavily into the mobs.
A few minutes in, and a rare spawned. Dropped him with no more difficulty than the regular mobs and he's got pants.. but they're leather. A quick check of the stats, and it turns out that they're identical to the mail ones apart from the armor rating, and I'll miss out on the 1% increased damage against undead. So I obviously 'Need' on them and carry on the slaughter satisfied, but hoping for Komatais Plate legs to drop next.
Several minutes later and a second rare spawns. Down he goes, and the loot screen appears. They're legs... they're mail... they're the final piece of my set. I 'Need' again, but feel guilty for doing so. By this point the crystal is almost down, so despite the clock ticking, and my bed calling, I decide to stick around hoping that another will spawn.
Eventually the crystal is drained and it's time for the shades, we've cleared an area around one side of the crystal to allow a clean pull, but it all goes horribly wrong.
As I'm spamming all my talents and trinkets mobs respawn, Komatai dies, followed by my pet, followed by my pet again, followed almost by me, feign death sends the shade running after another warrior who's turned up at the scene, rez the pet, fire once at the shade to pull it back before it gets to the unfortunate warrior, mend pet while it goes running back towards the Shade, spam all my trinkets and talents again and down goes the shade, just in time for Komatai to return to his corpse. It was a very close one, and if it hadn't been for the shade heading for the warrior when I feigned I doubt I'd have killed it.
Unfortunately, no more rares spawn and by this point its 2:30am, Komatai teams up with the warrior, who turns out to be in full T5 epic, and is just there to grind weapon skill. I've no idea if Komatai ever got his legs, but I hope so.
So I'm back in Shatt and I've got around 80 necrotic runes, which aren't alot of use to be honest as I've already got nearly every item the vendors sell. Maybe they'll increase the Argent Dawn vendor options in WotLK?
But I'm now wearing the full set of Epic Argent Dawn gear:
[Blessed HandGuards of Undead Slaying]
[Blessed Pauldrons of Undead Slaying]
[Blessed Greaves of Undead Slaying]
[Blessed Hauberk of Undead Slaying]
[Tabard of the Argent Dawn]
So now I just need a hat, boots and bracers (and maybe a ring and a couple of trinkets) and I'm all set for winter.
With the next expansion being about an army of undead, the set bonus will probably come in handy too.
50% of Americans are fascists
2 days ago
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