This is the second part of the political moving and shaking that's currently going on in the tribe:
I'm soon to become the new Munqui Tribe - Guild Master. Yes, you read that right. No, I haven't been drinking (much). And Yes, I'm definitely awake and not dreaming (I think).
So Lewt and the Officer team are appointing me as the new GM, with the OK from Brast. In my eyes I've always felt that Brast is the true GM of the guild, and the rest of us are just looking after it, feeding the cat, and paying the milkman until his return.
Maybe it's because there's only a few of us original Munquis left now.
Way back, years ago, before any expansion packs and when the level cap was only 60, and the Munquis were still based on Nordrassil. Brast and Vind (called Cyrick at the time) invited a lowby warrior to join them in a Deadmines run. It was good fun, the conversation and banter was excellent, the guys were helpful, and the Deadmines was conquered.
Despite me ninja'ing some of the loot by clicking 'need' (nooby mistake), during the run I was invited to join the guild, and soon found the place I'd call home for years to come.
The GM at the time was Stronghammer, although Brast seemed to mostly run the place.
And before long I was invited to become an officer myself. Unfortunately, my circumstances changed, I moved house, lost my internet conenction for several months and didn't even get chance to say a proper goodbye to the guild.
Many months later, I returned to the game to find the Munquis gone, and spent many long months pining for my missing freinds and trying to find a guild that was as good.
A random google one day churned up the Munqui Tribe forums, I found that the guild had moved to Darkspear, logged on as soon as I got home, "/who Munqui" and bingo, there's a guy named Brastfelt online. Too much of a coincidence. Whispered the man himself, and here I am now, about to take over the leadership.
There may only be a few of the original Munquis left. Just Brast & Piri, Vind and Myself (I think). The new Munquis are just as good, if not better, than the old ones, and I'm proud to call myself a member.
I'll hold the GM position until either I feel someone else can do it better, or until Brast wants his crown back.
Lewt has done a great job so far, and I hope I can keep up the high standards he set.
He's staying in the guild, and he'll still be an officer, so make sure you're extra nice to him, and say thanks.
50% of Americans are fascists
2 days ago
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