My new Pally has been getting most of my love and attention recently. And it seems to be paying off nicely.
He went from 47 -50 yesterday, and by the time I logged off he was 80% of the way to 51.
And he's finally reached the Plaguelands which, as everyone knows, is Pally heaven.
I can easily run into a group of melee mobs around my level, aggro 10-12 of them at a time, and come out laughing with full mana by the end of it.
Should any crits land on me, a 2.5 second heal puts me back at almost full health.
My XP bar was filling up so fast it was almost scary.
I havent really played a Pally in a while, but I like what they've done with the Holy Wrath and Exorcism spells. They're now much more useful, and with added crunchiness on the undead / demon mobs.
Agrro 10 zombies / skeletons, holy shield, consecration, holy shield, Holy Wrath, pop a heal if needed (while they are all stunned), lather, rinse, repeat. (Although by the lather they're usually all dead).
Another night or two like this and he'll ding into the high 50's and then it's a quick whizz around Outland before jumping headfirst into Northrend.
Just to prove that Blizz really have nerfed the levelling game... you all remember the gold spam adverts claiming to get you from 1-60 in 10 days?
Well Smythadin is almost 51 and he currently has 2 Days 17 Hours '/Played'. I thought Blizz had only nerfed the levelling time by 20%, but apparently not.
50% of Americans are fascists
2 days ago
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