Monday 20 July 2009

Guild Mergers?

I had a funny message last night from Manda.

A guy named Bluestealth had whispered him to ask about a guild merger. Manda passed on my details, and later that day I got a whisper from Bluestealth himself.

He is a RaidLeader in the ENIGMA guild. I'd done a bit of research beforehand, so I already knew who ENIGMA were. They're more raiderish than the Munquis, but not particularly big (which isn't that unusual). The Munquis have been around for god-knows how many years and have had alot of time to grow.

He was suggesting that we merge guilds. And that the Munquis should disband to join them. And that way they would be able to do lots of heroics, and would always be able to find a raid team.

Now, I've no idea why he chose to ask the Munquis to do this, but maybe we weren't the only ones, maybe he's just randomly spamming people to ask.

A couple of facts to explain my stance on this:

1) The Munquis are a 'Social' guild.. not a raiding one. We raid, but only for the fun.
2) The Munquis have been around for several years, across 2 servers
3) We have over 400 Active characters (at least that have logged on within the last 5 months). Obviously alot of those will be alts, but even so, it still leaves a pretty decent number.
4) I am not a raid leader, nor do I want to be an 'officer' in any other guild. The next time I'm an officer again, it'll be because I've stepped down in the Tribe, or because we've all moved to a new game.
5) The skills of a GM and a RaidLeader are completely different. One needs to control around 25 players for a few hours at a time, know raid tactics inside out and enjoy the sound of his / her own voice. The other needs to manage the needs and running of a guild, but over a much longer timescale, and never has to say a word if he / she doesn't want to (or happens to have a difficult to understand northern accent).
6) If the Munquis are ever sturggling for raid members, we have people we can call on to help out. Freinds, Guildies who have alts in raid guilds, and other guilds (like BAD APPLES) that we have a raiding stsaus with.

Offering me an Officership, and a position as a Raid Leader, in return for merging our guilds was just pointless.

ENIGMA had 8 players online at the time (3 lvl 80's). The Munquis had 15 online (8 lvl 80's).

Bluestealth suggested that if we merged "We could do more heroics". I don't believe we have struggled to find enough players for a heroic in a very long time.

The Munquis have around 400 toons, including Alts. I believe has around 80, including Alts.

Given all of the above, why the hell would anyone even ask??

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think I know anyone from ENIGMA and they may be a great bunch of people, but c'mon... seriously?

I did suggest that they diband and come over to us. The answer was "Hang on, I'll ask" and when I didn't get an answer 60 seconds later I whispered him again and got an 'No player name Bluestealths is currently playing'.... figures.

So if any other guilds are considering asking us to merge. Do your homework first.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Sorry I wasn't able to help too much with this last night, but I agree ith you. Any Gm who thinks we should disband the MT just to go raiding needs a good gkicking his-self!

    I'm wondering if Enigma has undergone some guild drama lately?


So you've taken the time to make a comment?
Get on with it then.