Well what a surprise that was!
After spending the day slowly levelling my Paladin, through his final level, I got called up to DPS Malygos because some of the raiders hadn't turned up.
I'll be honest, after waiting nearly 35 minutes to start (which is a long time when you were called in as a replacement), meaning that we only agro'd him just after 9pm, when the raid was due to start at 8pm. I was almost ready to say "thanks, but no thanks" and go back to my pally.
But I stuck it out, and I'm glad I did. First try we got to Phase 3 in plenty of time, but about 8 of the raiders were dead within seconds of phase 3 starting. After a quick but effective explanation from Vind, and a demo of the skills using the daily quest dragons, we tried again. The bastard just would not go down though. We got him to 1.8% before the wipe.
Spurred on by our almost-win, we tried again. Didn't do so well on the 3rd try, but on the 4th attempt down he went, easily. Most of the raiders were still alive by the end of it, and the chat screen flooded with achievement dings from all of the players. Good job all....
So after that hour or so of distraction, I relogged on my pally. With only 200k XP to grind. And 20-30 mins later, he Ding'd too.
So off to IF to learn all my final skills, for both specs. And then to the AH to empty my bags and begin my hunt for Epics.
In the last 2 levels of grinding I've made another 2k gold, so I've got a good amount to start me off.
My best investment was a TitanSteel Shield Wall, courtesy of Grenths BS. They sell for around 600g on the AH, but the mats were just short of 400g. (There's a profit to be made there if there are any goblins among you).
I could have also picked up the Tempered TitanSteel Treads, and Helm. (Again selling for 600g, but mats at 400ish) But 1 Epic was enough for the night. And I didn't want to spend all my money at once.
So today I'll check what rep-rewards are available, and then begin my next grind. To achieve 540 defence. I'm at 495 already, so it shouldn't be too hard to reach. (The 2 BS epics might even push me upto that anyway).
So, all in all, it was a good night.
50% of Americans are fascists
2 days ago
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